
GoogleScolar Bibliometric profile:

Selected Publications

G. Bertanza, V. Calubini, C. Collivignarelli (1992): “Valutazione delle caratteristiche merceologiche dei R.S.A.U. in funzione della verifica di fattibilità del riutilizzo delle risorse contenute” - RS - Rifiuti Solidi, vol. VI, n. 5, settembre - ottobre, pp. 322-334.

M. Baldi, G. Bertanza, C. Collivignarelli, F. Conti (1993): “Mathematical modelling of leachate quantity and quality for an industrial sludge landfill” - Sardinia '93, IV International Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (CA), Italy, 11-15 October, pp. 833-848.

C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, S. Bina (1995): “La verifica idrodinamica nel trattamento delle acque - Basi teoriche, procedure di applicazione, esempi” - Volume 8 della Collana Ambiente, ed. CIPA, Milano, ISSN 1121-8215.

G. Bertanza (1997): “Simultaneous nitrification - denitrification process in extended aeration plants: pilot and real scale experiences” - Wat. Sci. & Tech., Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 53-61.

C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza (1999): “Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification process in activated sludge plants: performance and applicability” – Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 40, No. 4-5, pp. 187-194.

C. Collivignarelli, M. Baldi, G. Bertanza, F. Avezzù (1998): “Ammonia stripping from MSW landfill leachate in bubble reactor: process modeling and optimization” - Waste Management & Research, vol. 16, n. 5, pp. 455-466.

C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani (2000): “A comparison among different wastewater disinfection systems: experimental results” - Environmental Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 1-16.

G. Bertanza, C. Collivignarelli, R. Pedrazzani (2001): “The role of chemical oxidation in combined chemical-physical and biological processes: experiences of industrial wastewater treatment” – Wat. Sci. & Tech., Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 109-116.

S. Monarca, D. Feretti, C. Collivignarelli, L. Guzzella, I. Zerbini, G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani (2000) “The influence of different disinfectants on mutagenicity and toxicity of urban wastewater” – Wat. Res,. Vol. 34 (17), pp. 4261-4269.

G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani (2004): “How to assess chemical oxidation efficiency” – Wat. Sci.& Tech, Vol.49 (4), pp. 1-6.

R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza, C. Maffezzoni, M. Gelmi, N. Manca, L.E. Depero (2005): “Bacteria enclosure between silica-coated membranes for the degradation of organic compounds in contaminated water” –Water Research, Vol. 39, n. 10, pp. 2056-2064.

P. Baroni, G. Bertanza, C. Collivignarelli, V. Zambarda (2006): “Process improvement and energy saving in a full scale wastewater treatment plant: air supply regulation by a fuzzy logic system” – Environmental Technology, Vol. 27, pp. 733-746.

G. Bertanza, M. C. Collivignarelli, B. M. Crotti, R. Pedrazzani (2010): “Integration between chemical oxidation and membrane thermophilic biological process” – Water Science and Technology-WST, 61.1, 227-234.

Giorgio Bertanza, Roberta Pedrazzani, Valerio Zambarda, Mario Dal Grande, Francesco Icarelli, Luciana Baldassarre (2010): “Removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from wastewater treatment plant effluents by means of advanced oxidation” – Water Science and Technology, 61.7, 1663-1671.

G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani, M. Papa, G. Mazzoleni, N. Steimberg, L. Caimi, C. Montani, D. Dilorenzo (2010): “Removal of BPA and NPnEOs from secondary effluents of municipal WWTPs by means of ozonation” – Ozone Science and Engineering, vol. 32, n. 3, May-June, 204-208.

G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani, M. Dal Grande, M. Papa, V. Zambarda, C. Montani, N. Steimberg, G. Mazzoleni, D. Di Lorenzo (2011): “Effect of biological and chemical oxidation on the removal of estrogenic compounds (NP and BPA) from wastewater: An integrated assessment procedure” – Water Research, 45, 2473 – 2484.

G. Bertanza, M. Papa, R. Pedrazzani, C. Repice, M. Dal Grande (2013): “Tertiary ozonation of industrial wastewater for the removal of estrogenic compounds (NP and BPA): a full scale case study”. Water Science and Technology, 68.3, 567-574 (doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.282)

R. Pedrazzani, E. Ceretti, I. Zerbini, R. Casale, E. Gozio, G. Bertanza, U. Gelatti, F. Donato, D. Feretti (2012): “Biodegradability, toxicity and mutagenicity of detergents: integrated experimental evaluations” - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 84, 274-281.

AA.VV. (2012) “Impianti di trattamento acque: verifiche di funzionalità e collaudo - Manuale operativo”. A cura di G. Bertanza e C. Collivignarelli. Ed. Hoepli, Milano. ISBN 978-88-203-5200-4.

G. Bertanza, M. Papa, R. Pedrazzani, C. Repice, G. Mazzoleni, N. Steimberg, D. Feretti, E. Ceretti, I. Zerbini (2013). EDCs, estrogenicity and genotoxicity reduction in a mixed (domestic + textile) secondary effluent by means of ozonation: a full-scale experience. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460 (2013) 160-168 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.03.108).

M. Papa, R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza (2013) “How green are environmental technologies? A new approach for a global evaluation: the case of WWTP effluents ozonation” - Water Research, 47, 3679-3687. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.04.015

G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani, L. Manili, L. Menoni (2013): “Bio-P release in the final clarifiers of a large WWTP with co-precipitation: key factors and troubleshooting”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 230, pp. 195-201, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2013.06.067

G. Bertanza, M. Papa, M. Canato, M.C. Collivignarelli, R. Pedrazzani (2014): “How can sludge dewatering devices be assessed? Development of a new DSS and its application to real case studies” - Journal of Environmental Management 137, 86-92. DOI: 10.1016/j.envman.2014.02.002.

G. Bertanza, S. Zanaboni, M. Canato, G. Laera, R. Galessi (2014): “Sewage sludge minimisation by means of wet oxidation: process performance and economic sustainability” – Int. J. Global Warming, vol. 6, nos. 2/3, 234-251.

M. Svanström, G. Bertanza, D. Bolzonella, M. Canato, C. Collivignarelli, S. Heimersson, G. Laera, G. Mininni, G. Peters, M. C. Tomei (2014): “Method for Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Advanced Sludge Processing Routes” - Water Science and Technology, 69.12, 2407-2416. DOI 10.2166/wst.2014.092

M.C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, M. Sordi, R. Pedrazzani (2015): “High-strength wastewater treatment in a pure oxygen thermophilic process: 11-year operation and monitoring of different plant configurations”. Water Science and Technology, 71.4, 588-596.

G. Mininni, G. Laera, G. Bertanza, M. Canato, A. Sbrilli (2015): “Mass and energy balances of sludge processing in reference and up-graded wastewater treatment plants” - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 22: 7203–7215. DOI:10.1007/s11356-014-4013-2.

G. Bertanza, M. Canato, G. Laera, M.C. Tomei (2015): “Methodology for technical and economic assessment of advanced routes for sludge processing and disposal” - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 22: 7190–7202. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3088-0.

G. Bertanza, R. Galessi, L. Menoni, R. Pedrazzani, R. Salvetti, S. Zanaboni (2015): “Anaerobic treatability of liquid residue from wet oxidation of sewage sludge” - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 22:7317–7326. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3303-z.

G. Bertanza, M. Canato, S. Heimersson, G. Laera, R. Salvetti, E. Slavik, M. Svanström (2015): “Techno-economic and environmental assessment of sewage sludge wet oxidation” - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 22:7327–7338. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3378-6.

G. Bertanza, R. Galessi, L. Menoni, R. Salvetti, E. Slavik, S. Zanaboni (2015): “Wet oxidation of sewage sludge: full scale experience and process modelling” - Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 22: 7306–7316. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3144-9.

M. Papa, R. Pedrazzani, S. Nembrini, G. Bertanza (2015): “Should rheological properties of activated sludge be measured?”. Appl. Rheol. 25 (2), 24590. DOI: 10.3933/ApplRheol-25-24590.

Collivignarelli M.C., Abbà A., Bertanza G. (2015). Why use a Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor (TAMR) for the treatment of industrial wastewater/liquid waste? Environmental Technology, 36(16), 2115-2124, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1021860.

A. Gianico, G. Bertanza, C.M. Braguglia, M. Canato, G. Laera, S. Heimersson, M. Svanström, G. Mininni (2015): “Upgrading a wastewater treatment plant with thermophilic digestion of thermally pre-treated secondary sludge: techno-economic and environmental assessment” - Journal of Cleaner Production, 102, 353-361. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.051.

M.C. Collivignarelli, F. Castagnola, M. Sordi, G. Bertanza (2015): “Treatment of sewage sludge in a thermophilic membrane reactor (TMR) with alternate aeration cycles” - Journal of Environmental Management 162 (2015) 132-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.07.031.

M. Papa, P. Foladori, L. Guglielmi, G. Bertanza (2017): “How far are we from closing the loop of sewage resource recovery? A real picture of municipal wastewater treatment plants in Italy”. Journal of Environmental Management, 198, 9-15, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.04.061

A. Gianico, G. Bertanza, C.M. Braguglia, M. Canato, A. Gallipoli, G. Laera, C. Levantesi, G. Mininni (2016): “Enhanced versus conventional sludge anaerobic processes: performances and techno-economic assessment” - Water Environ. Res. 88(5), 468-478.

M.C. Tomei, G. Bertanza, M. Canato, S. Heimersson, G. Laera, M. Svanström (2016): “Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Upgrading Alternatives for Sludge Stabilization in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”. Journal of Cleaner Production 10/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.10.017, 112, 3106-3115.

M. Papa, E. Ceretti, G.C.V. Viola, D. Feretti, I. Zerbini, G. Mazzoleni, N. Steimberg, R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza (2016): “The assessment of WWTP performance: towards a jigsaw puzzle evaluation?” Chemosphere, 145, 291-300. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.11.054

L. Gonzalez-Gil, M. Papa, D. Feretti, E. Ceretti, G. Mazzoleni, N. Steimberg, R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza, Juan M Lema, Marta Carballa (2016): “Is anaerobic digestion effective for the removal of organic micropollutants and biological activities from sewage sludge?” Water Research, 102, 211-220, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.06.025.

Bertanza G., Baroni P., Canato M. (2016) “Ranking sewage sludge management strategies by means of Decision Support Systems: a case study” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 110, 1-15. DOI 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.03.011

L. Menoni, G. Bertanza (2016): “Wet Oxidation of sewage sludge: a mathematical model for estimating the performance based on the VSS/TSS ratio” - Chemical Engineering Journal, 306, 685-692.DOI 10.1016/j.cej.2016.07.105.

G. Bertanza, M. Canato, G. Laera, M. Vaccari, M. Svanström & S. Heimersson (2017): “A comparison between two full-scale MBR and CAS municipal wastewater treatment plants: techno-economic-environmental assessment” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(21), 17383-17393. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9409-3

M.C. Collivignarelli, R. Pedrazzani, S. Sorlini, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza (2017): “H2O2 based oxidation processes for the treatment of high strength aqueous wastes” Sustainability, 9, 244, doi: 10.3390/su9020244

C. Di Iaconi, G. Del Moro, G. Bertanza, M. Canato, G. Laera, S. Heimersson, M. Svanstrom (2017): “Upgrading small wastewater treatment plants with the sequencing batch biofilter granular reactor technology: Techno-economic and environmental assessment” Journal of Cleaner Production, 148, 606-615. DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.02.034

M.C. Collivignarelli, F. Castagnola, M. Sordi, G. Bertanza (2016): “Sewage sludge treatment in a thermophilic membrane reactor (TMR): factors affecting foam formation” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-7983-4.

A. Abbà, M.C. Collivignarelli, S. Manenti, R. Pedrazzani, S. Todeschini, G. Bertanza (2017): “Rheology and Microbiology of Sludge from a Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor”, Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2017, Article ID 8764510, 19 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/8764510

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, F. Castagnola, G. Bertanza (2017): “Minimization of municipal sewage sludge by means of a thermophilic membrane bioreactor with intermittent aeration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 143, 369–376, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.101

R. Pedrazzani, I. Cavallotti, E. Bollati, M. Ferreri, G. Bertanza (2018): “The role of bioassays in the evaluation of ecotoxicological aspects within the PEF/OEF protocols: the case of WWTPs” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 147, 742-748. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.09.031

G. Bertanza, M. Canato, G. Laera (2018): “Towards energy self-sufficiency and integral material recovery in waste water treatment plants: assessment of upgrading options”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 1206-1218 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.228

M.C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, A. Abbà, M. Sordi, R. Pedrazzani (2017): “Synergy between anaerobic digestion and a post-treatment based on Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor (TAMR)”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, vol. 36, issue 6, November, pages 1802-1809. DOI: 10.1002/ep.12677.

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza, G. Barbieri (2017): “Treatment of high strength aqueous wastes in a thermophilic aerobic membrane reactor (TAMR): performance and resilience”, Water Science and Technology, 76.12, 3236-3245. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.492

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza, M. Setti, G. Barbieri, A. Frattarola (2018): “Integrating novel (Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor-TAMR) and conventional (Conventional Activated Sludge-CAS) biological processes for the treatment of high strength aqueous wastes”, Bioresource Technology, 255, 213-219. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.01.112

M.C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, A. Abbà, S. Damiani (2018): “Process auditing and performance improvement in a mixed wastewater–aqueous waste treatment plant” – Water Science and Technology, 77.4, 891-898. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.605

G. Bertanza, E. Ziliani, L. Menoni (2018): “Techno-economic performance indicators of municipal solid waste collection strategies”, Waste Management, 74, 86-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.01.009

R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza, I. Brnardić, Z. Cetecioglu, J. Dries, J. Dvarionienė, A.J. García-Fernández, A. Langenhoff, G. Libralato, G. Lofrano, B. Škrbić, E. Martínez-López, S. Meriç, D. Mutavdžić Pavlović, M. Papa, P. Schröder, K.P. Tsagarakis, C. Vogelsang, (2019): “Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective”, Science of the Total Environment, 651, 3202-3221. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.027

M.C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, A. Abbà, V. Torretta, I.A. Katsoyiannis (2019): “Wastewater treatment by means of thermophilic aerobic membrane reactors: respirometric tests and numerical models for determination of stoichiometric/kinetic parameters”, Environmental Technology, 40 (2), 182-191. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1384070

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza, S. Damiani, M. Raboni (2019): “Resilience of a combined chemical-physical and biological wastewater treatment facility”, ASCE's Journal of Environmental Engineering, 145(7), 05019002-1 – 9. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001543

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza (2019). “Oxygen transfer improvement in MBBR process”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 10727-10737. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04535-1

G. Bertanza, L. Menoni, P. Baroni (2020): “Energy saving for air supply in a real WWTP: application of a fuzzy logic controller”. Water Science and Technology, 81.8, 1552-1557. Doi: 10.2166/wst.2020.084

M.C. Collivignarelli, M. Carnevale Miino, M. Baldi, S. Manzi, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza (2019): “Removal of non-ionic and anionic surfactants from real laundry wastewater by means of a full-scale treatment system". Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier), Vol 132, december, 105-115.

G. Bertanza, L. Menoni, G.U. Capoferri, R. Pedrazzani (2020): “Promoting biological phosphorus removal in a full scale pre-denitrification wastewater treatment plant” – Journal of Environmental Management, 254.

M.C. Collivignarelli, G. Bertanza, A. Abbà, S. Damiani (2018): “Troubleshooting in a full‑scale wastewater treatment plant: what can be learnt from tracer tests” - International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Springer, 16(7), 3455-3466. Doi: 10.1007/s13762-018-2032-0

Collivignarelli, M. C., Abbà, A., Frattarola, A., Manenti, S., Todeschini, S., Bertanza, G., & Pedrazzani, R. (2019). Treatment of aqueous wastes by means of thermophilic aerobic membrane reactor (TAMR) and nanofiltration (NF): Process auditing of a full-scale plant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(12) doi:10.1007/s10661-019-7827-z

R. Pedrazzani, E. Ziliani, I. Cavallotti, E. Bollati, M. Ferreri, G. Bertanza (2019): “Use of ecotoxicology tools within the environmental footprint evaluation protocols: the case of wastewater treatment plants”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 172, 2-14. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2019.24344

Pedrazzani R., Baroni P., Feretti D., Mazzoleni G., Steimberg N., Urani C., Viola G., Zerbini I., Ziliani E., Bertanza G. (2020): “Methodological Protocol for Assessing the Environmental Footprint by Means of Ecotoxicological Tools: Wastewater Treatment Plants as an Example Case” - In: Roy K. (eds) Ecotoxicological QSARs. Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Humana, New York, NY. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020. ISBN: 978-1-0716-0149-5

Maria Cristina Collivignarelli, Alessandro Abbà, Giorgio Bertanza, Andrea Frattarola (2020): “The upgrading of conventional activated sludge processes with thermophilic aerobic membrane reactor: Alternative solutions for sludge reduction” - Journal of Environmental Management, 264, 110490,

Maria Cristina Collivignarelli, Alessandro Abbà, Giorgio Bertanza, Marco Baldi, Massimo Setti, Andrea Frattarola, Marco Carnevale Miino (2021): “Treatment of high strength wastewater by Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor and possible valorisation of nutrients and organic carbon in its residues” - Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124404,

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza, A. Frattarola (2020): “Drastic reduction of sludge in wastewater treatment plants: co-digestion of sewage sludge and aqueous waste in a thermophilic membrane reactor”, Environmental Technology, vol. 41, n. 19, 2554-2563. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2019.1575478

G. Bertanza, G.U. Capoferri, M. Carmagnani, F. Icarelli, S. Sorlini, R. Pedrazzani (2020): “Long-term investigation on the removal of perfluoroalkyl substances in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant in the Veneto Region, Italy” - Science of the Total Environment, 734, 139154.

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani, P. Ricciardi, M.C. Miino (2020): “Lockdown for CoViD-2019 in Milan: what are the effects on air quality?” - Science of the Total Environment, 732, 139280.

R. Vahidzadeh, G. Bertanza, S. Sbaffoni, M. Vaccari (2021): “Regional industrial symbiosis: a review based on social network analysis” - Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124054.

M.C. Collivignarelli, C. Collivignarelli, M. Carnevale Miino, A. Abbà, R. Pedrazzani, G. Bertanza (2020): “SARS-CoV-2 in sewer systems and connected facilities” - Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 143, 196-203.

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, M. Carnevale Miino, G. Bertanza, S. Sorlini, S. Damiani, H. Arab, M. Bestetti, S. Franz (2021): “Photoelectrocatalysis on TiO2 meshes: different applications” - Environmental Science and Pollution Research,

M.C. Collivignarelli, A. Abbà, F.M. Caccamo, G. Bertanza, R. Pedrazzani, M. Baldi, P. Ricciardi, M. Carnevale Miino (2021): “Can particulate matter be identified as the primary cause of the rapid spread of CoViD19 in some areas of Northern Italy?” - Environmental Science and Pollution Research,

G. Mannina, M. Alliet, C. Brepols, J. Comas, J. Harmand, M. Heran, N. Kalboussi, J. Makinia, Á. Robles, T. Ferreira Rebouças, B-J. Ni1, I. Rodriguez-Roda, M.V. Ruano, G. Bertanza, I. Smets (2021) Integrated membrane bioreactors modelling: a review on new comprehensive modelling framework - Bioresource Technology 329 (2021) 124828.


L. Antonini, G. Bertanza, L.E. Depero, R. Pedrazzani (2003): Domanda di brevetto per invenzione industriale N. TO2003A000666, depositata il 1 settembre 2003 a nome: Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM), "Dispositivo stratificato e struttura a sandwich comprendente materiale biologico incapsulato".

P. Baroni, G. Bertanza, C. Collivignarelli, V. Zambarda (2005): Domanda di brevetto europeo n. 05010111.2, depositata il 10.05.2005 a nome: Università degli Studi di Brescia. “Method and device for controlling the biological process in waste-water treatment plants”. European Patent number 1598712, certificate date 31.08.2016

G. Bertanza, M.C. Collivignarelli, P.F. Ravasio, A. Sancandi (2011): Domanda di brevetto internazionale N. PCT/IB2011/000065, depositata il 14 gennaio 2011 a nome: Idroclean SpA, “A process for the thermophilic aerobic treatment of concentrated organic waste water and the related plant”. International publication number: WO 2011/089501 (28.07.2011 Gazette 2011/30). Date of publication and mention of the grant of the patent: 11.11.2015 Bulletin 2015/46

G. Bertanza, M.C. Collivignarelli, P.F. Ravasio, (2011): Domanda di brevetto internazionale N. PCT/IB2011/000156, depositata il 31 gennaio 2011 a nome: D.T.A. srl, “A plant for the treatment of biological sludges with recovery of secondary raw materials and energy”.

G. Bertanza, M.C. Collivignarelli, P.F. Ravasio, A. Sancandi, L. De Benedittis (2012): Domanda di brevetto per invenzione industriale N. CR2012A000023, depositata il 14 dicembre 2012 a nome: Idroclean SpA, “Reattore per il trattamento aerobico termofilo di acque reflue e di fanghi di supero prodotti dalla depurazione di liquami tramite processi biologici”. Attestato di brevetto del Ministero dello sviluppo economico n. 0001414993 del 09-04-2015.

G. Bertanza, M.C. Collivignarelli, P.F. Ravasio, A. Sancandi, L. De Benedittis (2012): Domanda di brevetto per invenzione industriale N. CR2012A000024, depositata il 14 dicembre 2012 a nome: Idroclean SpA, “Reattore per il trattamento anaerobico termofilo di acque reflue e di fanghi di supero prodotti dalla depurazione di liquami tramite processi biologici”. Attestato di brevetto del Ministero dello sviluppo economico n. 0001414994 del 09-04-2015.

G. Bertanza, M.C. Collivignarelli, P.F. Ravasio (2013): Domanda di brevetto per invenzione industriale N. CR2014A000013, depositata il 24 giugno 2014 a nome: D.T.A. srl “Procedimento per la minimizzazione di fanghi di supero biologici prodotti da depuratori di liquami civili e/o industriali e relativo impianto”. Attestato di brevetto del Ministero dello sviluppo economico n. 0001424959 del 10-10-2016.